Soal SAS 1 (2024/2025) Kelas 7 Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka

Ini adalah soal sumatif akhir semester 1 (2024/2025) kelas 7 bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka yang bisa kamu kerjakan.
Soal SAS 1 (2024/2025) Kelas 7 Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka

Selamat datang di Soal Sumatif Akhir Semester 1 untuk tahun ajaran 2024/2025 Kelas 7 Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka ini! Di sini kamu bisa menguji pemahaman dan kemampuanmu. Jangan khawatir, karena setiap soal di sini dirancang untuk membantumu belajar sambil bersenang-senang. Pastikan membaca setiap pertanyaan dengan teliti, dan jangan lupa berdoa karena keberhasilan tidak hanya diukur dari hasil akhir, tetapi juga dari usaha terbaik yang kamu berikan. Semangat mengerjakan, ya!

Penting! Petunjuk pengerjaan: 1. Durasi pengerjaan adalah 60 menit.
2. Soal dikunci, untuk mulai kalian harus mengisi nama.
3. Setelah menuliskan nama, klik tombol Mulai Kuis untuk mulai mengerjakan.
4. Jika sudah mengisi semua jawaban, kalian bisa cek lagi selama waktu tersedia.
5. Jika sudah yakin, silahkan klik tombol Selesai di akhir soal. Skor atau nilai kalian akan muncul.
6. Untuk melihat kunci jawaban, kalian harus mengerjakan dan mendapatkan nilai minimal 85. Akan muncul kode untuk membuka kunci jawaban.
7. Jika waktu habis dan kalian belum mengerjakan hingga selesai, soal akan dikunci dan langsung akan dinilai. Silahkan lihat nilai di akhir soal.
Nama siswa wajib diisi!

Soal Sumatif Akhir Semester 1 (2024/2025) Kelas 7 Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka

1. Which of the following is the correct way to write the date?

2. What time is it when the clock shows 3:15?

3. What does "Where" mean?

4. Which of the following is a correct instruction from a teacher to a student?

5. Which sentence is correct for introducing yourself?

6. Complete the sentence: Hello, my name is .... I am ... years old. I live in ....

7. Which question is correct for asking someone’s age?

8. Which is the correct expression to say goodbye in the evening?

9. What is the correct way to call your teacher?

10. What does “I am reading” mean?

11. Choose the correct sentence about daily activities!

12. Fill in the blank: This is my cat. ... name is Snowy.

13. What does "tall" mean?

14. Complete the sentence: John has ... hair and ... eyes. He is very friendly.

15. Complete the paragraph below with the correct pronoun!
Cassie is my best friend. ... loves to read books and write stories in her free time. Last week, I borrowed a novel from .... She said, ‘Take good care of it!’ Now, I plan to give it back to ... tomorrow.

16. Read the text below and answer the question!
Sarah is my cousin. She is very kind and hardworking. She has long, straight hair and bright brown eyes. Sarah always helps her family with house chores. On weekends, she likes to bake cookies and share them with her neighbors.
What can we learn about Sarah?

17. "Cendol Ice" belongs to the category of ....

18. What is the meaning of the word "Nasi Goreng" in English?

19. Which of the following foods is usually described as "sweet and sticky"?

20. Read the text below and answer the question!
I love eating Chicken Soto because it is warm and delicious. However, I don’t like spicy foods like Beef Rendang because they are too hot for me.
Which food does the person dislike?

21. Read the text below and choose the incorrect statement!
My favorite snack is Bakwan. It is crispy and savory. I like to eat it with chili sauce. Sometimes, I also enjoy fried banana as a sweet snack.

22. Read the text below and choose the correct statement!
I like Martabak. It is sweet, soft, and has colorful toppings like chocolate and cheese. My favorite drink with Martabak is a glass of iced tea.

23. Choose the correct statement about Indonesian snacks!

24. Choose the correct sentence!

25. Which of the following items is not found in the kitchen?

26. Match the kitchen tool with its correct verb!

27. Arrange the following steps to cook "Fried Rice"!
(1) Fry the garlic and onion.
(2) Add the rice and mix well.
(3) Heat some oil in the pan.
(4) Add soy sauce and spices.

28. Which part of the procedural text gives information about the materials needed?

29. Which of the following is not a room in a house?

30. In which room would you find these items: a bed, a wardrobe, and a lamp?

31. Read the following text and answer the question!
In Galang’s living room, there is a sofa in front of the television. The table is between two chairs. A vase is on the table.
Where is the sofa located?

32. Choose the correct sentence for describing items in the kitchen!

33. What is the meaning of "tidy"?

34. Which room are you cleaning if you are "mopping the floor and washing the dishes"?

35. Choose the correct sentence about house chores!

36. Sticker "No Shoes Allowed" should be place on ....

37. Which of the following items is organic waste?

38. Choose the correct imperative sentence!

39. Read the procedure text and answer the question!

How to Clean a Glass Window

  1. Prepare a spray bottle with water and soap.
  2. Spray the solution on the glass window.
  3. Wipe it with a clean cloth.
What is the purpose of the text?

40. Complete the procedure text below!

How to Clean a Kitchen Table

  1. ...
  2. Wipe the table with a damp cloth
  3. lace the items back on the table

Kode salah! Silakan coba lagi.

Kunci Jawaban Soal Sumatif Akhir Semester 1 (2023/2024) Kelas 7 Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka
  1. Jawaban

Selamat telah menyelesaikan Soal Sumatif Akhir Semester 1 untuk tahun ajaran 2024/2025 Kelas 7 Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka ini! Terima kasih sudah berusaha dengan baik dan meluangkan waktu untuk menjawab setiap soal. Ingat, hasil adalah cerminan dari proses belajar, jadi jika ada yang belum sempurna, itu adalah kesempatan untuk belajar lebih baik lagi. Terus semangat dalam belajar, karena setiap langkah kecil yang kamu ambil hari ini adalah bagian penting dari perjalanan menuju kesuksesan. Tetap percaya diri, dan jangan pernah ragu untuk mencoba lagi!

About the author

Suka baca, nonton, dan kepo banyak hal.

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